Thursday, May 31, 2007

Raggedy Ann Portraits

I thought it might be fun to share some art lessons. When flipping though the old filing cabinet I ran across this little portrait lesson for kindergarten. When I started my student teaching I thought kinder would be super easy. I couldn't have been more wrong. The little darlings are great but they can finish a project so quickly it's amazing. You start something new and then before you know it you hear little voices saying, "I'm finished! Now what?" This lesson was great because we all worked together. We took it step by step. Usually I think this kind of instruction is limiting but it works well for this lesson. It's a great introduction to Portraits. I began the lesson by showing students art reproductions of different portraits and discussing the purpose and uses of portraits. I used a Raggedy Ann doll for observation and off we went. Step by step. The kids loved it. Try it with your little kindergartner.
We are off to Philadelphia to see the King Tut exhibit it will be there until September. My older daughter loves all thing Egyptian so it will be a great experience.

1 comment:

Roman Blondie said...

Appreciatte your blog post